Mr. Sunday-afternoon-second-date

I thanked Mr. for the fun time on Friday and asked if he’d like to spend Sunday with me.  Part of me wondered how he’d feel about me asking him out, given he is relatively traditional and it is very soon.  I waited and waited and waited and finally he responded: yes.

He picked me up and we walked to lunch at a restaurant near my place.  Conversation flows so nicely.  I found myself telling him more than I normally would.  I told him about my neurotic obsession with  making lists and my love for cleaning.  I think (I hope) he thought it was cute – he smiled. Good enough.  He is either really polite or likes me too, I think both.  He talks about his parents a lot, very fondly.  I like that.  He is confident about his career.  I like that too.

We stopped at a bookstore on the way to the movie, he wanted to pick up a copy of Shantaram because I’d told him how much I love it and he wanted to read it so we could talk about it.  (Seriously?)  On the way from the bookstore to the movie, we held hands. (Seriously?)  He had evening plans with his family but walked me home anyway, another gentle kiss good night and a “hope to see you soon.”

Tip: don’t give up on Craig’s List.

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