Steve c/o Steve’s parents

Steve and I met at Second City, a comedy club on a Wednesday evening.  What is a girl supposed to do when she instantly realizes there is no chemistry? No seriously, what was I supposed to do?  Oh well, Comedy is fun.  It is also a nice way to avoid conversation – much like a movie or any other sort of show.

Tip: places where talking is prohibited are generally not conducive to good conversation. Dates without good conversation are generally not conducive to second dates.

That said, the date was probably better for the lack of conversation.  The conversation we did have was incredibly (I’m trying so hard to find a nicer way to put this, but failing, so just going ahead) boring.  I went to the bathroom just to avoid any more and waited until the end of intermission before I sat back down.

Steve lives with his parents with no intention of moving any time soon.  He doesn’t want to move into the city from the suburb grew up in because he doesn’t want to leave his friends from high school.  There is nothing wrong with either of these things I suppose, but for me they are deal breakers.  Independent and adventurous are two qualities I cannot live without in a potential partner or even in myself.  I’m not sure how old Steve is; I’m going to guess 22.  By the end of our date it felt more like I had taken someone’s younger brother out as a favour.  He, like Eli, got “confused” when the bill came and ultimately I paid.

Tip: (and this is going to sound horrible, but I feel I earned it by having to  endure the conversation) date within your league (I know! Terrible, but honest).

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